steps link
dances link
Links to the instruction videos for the STEPS and DANCES featured in our My Line Dancing app. The STEPS mini-vids are in the App, so they can be watched on the device any time, anywhere. The DANCES featured have been chosen as they use the STEPS illustrated in the App. The DANCES are initially presented in the App and link to the internet for full details (they are, electronically, quite large).

Using our My Line Dancing app, teach yourself line dancing basics through instruction videos teaching popular STEPS and some DANCES putting those STEPS into action. If you have some experience - view the STEPS mini videos to jog your memory or use them as an aid to teach line dancing basics to others. mld_screenshot_link_to_playstore
get it in google play
j4k link Our sister website is used to support our small, local, linedancing groups. It has links to the details for the many line dances we enjoy dancing. It also has links to youtube hosted videos of our groups 'in action'.